Ezili Dantò - On the occasion of the 208th anniversary of Haiti's Independence

On the occasion of the 208th anniversary of Haiti's Independence from European enslavement and colonization. We remember we are a BLACK nation as defined by Desalin, with a Vodun culture from mother Africa. We remember Jean Jacques Dessalines (Janjak Desalin), Haiti's liberator and his three ideals.

We remember Dessalines' Law and that Blacks are the original peoples on planet earth, including Ayiti and the Americas. We re-MEMBER the Ayiti lives lost to earthquake 2010, crushed under the Bi-centennial occupation and with UN-imported cholera. 2012 the Haiti revolution shall continue to survive, block and expose Avatar Haiti's oppression by NGOs, US/UN/and their client nation's false benevolence...


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