Nothing is decided yet for Daniel Gérard Rouzier

Friday, during a press conference, Saurel Jacynthe, President of the Lower House has confirmed that he received the Presidential Order of convocation of the deputies in extraordinary session for the ratification of the choice of Prime Minister-designate, Daniel Gérard Rouzier. It is only tomorrow Monday that the date of the latter will be chosen because Rodolphe Joazile, President of the Upper House (Senate) was not available this weekend.
So that the choice of President Michel Martelly, of Daniel Gerard Rouzier as Prime Minister is ratified, it must obtain a favorable vote in both Houses, which are dominated by the platform INITE.
For some days the negotiations are open, among other things, a meeting was held Wednesday at the restaurant Tiffany between the Prime Minister designate and the Group of Parliamentarians for Change (GPR). The sharing of five ministries between the administration Martelly and the GRP was mentioned during the meeting. Senator Fritz Carlos Lebon (INITE) for his part said "It is necessary to share responsibilities, in other words, a division of ministerial posts" adding that "the Prime Minister knows that if he comes before the majority there will be cohabitation, this is perhaps what he seeks by requesting this meeting".
Senators Jean Hector Anacacis and Moise Jean Charles (INITE), members of the majority bloc in Parliament, would claim for their part some important ministerial positions (Finance, Public Works, Justice...), otherwise they will not ratify the policy statement of Mr. Rouzier.
Residence Card, opinions vary
Mr Rouzier had declared about his residency card "I also have a U.S. residency card, as I studied outside, I lived 8 years to the United States. When I returned to Haiti, I had almost 26 years, therefore I'm in the country for nearly 24 years and I'm working, but I have a residency card, that I must also give back", but for Me Samuel Madistin, a former senator, Mr Rouzier can not be ratified "if he is resident in the United States, he simply does not meet the criteria established by the constitution" adding that "the parliament has only to see that and rule on the matter. There is no bargaining in the constitution", same conclusion for Me Carlos Hercule, of Bar of Port-au-Prince "he can not be ratified Prime Minister, although he was in the country". Other lawyers speak of primary residence and of secondary residence that are clearly defined in U.S. law.
Senator Steven Benoît had declared Tuesday "My vote is already acquired, if the Prime Minister meets the eligibility requirements. The Prime Minister has no problem, this is a person who works for 25 years in the country, he has an residence card [U.S.] moreover he said that he will return it to the authorities, everyone knows who is Daniel Rouzier."
Nothing is decided yet
At present nothing is acquired for the for the Prime Minister-designate, "the Parliament will ratify or not the choice ? Given that the Prime Minister-designate begins talks, let's wait and see" Saurel Jacinthe questions.
HL/ HaitiLibre
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